Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews There was a problem completing your request. Short Prayer for Bedtime Lord Jesus Christ, before I got to sleep tonight, I come to thee now and ask thy blessing upon my head and heart tonight. View as Grid List. Allow me to rest my troubled thoughts and aching body and be embraced with pleasant morning light as I arise tomorrow. The Bible gives this instruction to parents in Proverbs 22:6: "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it." Forgive us our sins and make us better versions of ourselves. Thanks for your kind feedback. Gud bevare far og mor. I have no Nordic background but wish I did! Here are some of the best original Christian bedtime prayers for adults. Your email address will not be published. 1. I count have read it at a better time. I trust and believe that you will take care of all my difficulties so, I will not let my heart fret. Your email address will not be published. Also known as "Black Paternoster," this nursery rhyme dates back to medieval times. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. We enjoy the prayer and he has said it the wedding of five of his grandchildren. You're my help in times of trouble. Ending your day with prayer is just as important as starting your day with one. Prayer wraps up the day and invites blessings and favor from our Heavenly Father for the next day. In Jesus name, Ive prayed. My sister and I said this every evening at supper. Amen. To God the honor, us the gain, Amen. I offered to lead our dinner prayer with this memory. I remember her saying this prayer at family meals. Art by Suzanne Tofte. Gift Shop 785.227.2053 Place an Order: 800.779.3344. Amen. My family may be an exception in these times, but it means a lot to us. A great idea other than nobody on the planet should have to suffer through me singing. Required fields are marked *. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. For every blessing that I missed this day, I believe Youll grant them unto me. Tonight, I need your healing hand over my life. Fill me with your peace and your love. Amen. look closely for the little nisser! We know that You are always with us, but we especially need Your help and guidance at bedtime. Approx: 7.7" Wide = 15 cm. Beneath the subtle moonlit glowI thank the Lord, so He will knowHow grateful I am for my lifeIn times of glory and of strife. Simple Prayers of Gratitude for Toddlers. At Norwegian clubs, dinners, and special events you will find it said with reverence of history and heritage. I always called it the White Watchers diet. I truly acknowledge your supremacy above all things. Safety Prayer Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for the many blessings that you have given me today. I would love to have that to teach my daughters who do know this prayer well. Sorry you lost your father, but happy we could bring his heritage to you for a moment. Im really proud of you all! Thanks for visiting with us, Patricia. Praise hHim all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, son and Holy Ghost. You are one step away from having your prayer submitted to Churches, shrines, prayer groups and prayer chains all around the world. That is hilarious and I could totally see that same conversation at my moms house! Please read below for details, and our five star service. We trust in your power to sustain us, and we praise you for your never-ending love. May your spirit not depart from me on account of my sins, and give me the grace to let go of any part of today which did not happen as intended.I pray for a peaceful nights rest, and for health to carry on tomorrow. Followed by good food including homemadelefse! if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegracefulchapter_com-box-4','ezslot_4',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegracefulchapter_com-box-4-0');So with all the challenges that life throws at us in the course of the day, it is important to remember that in the night, we can lay them all at Gods feet and have a sound sleep. Sorrycouldnt have read it at a better time. My Cart: 0 item(s) Close Mini Basket. I sleep now and await a beautiful tomorrow, if it is within your will. Your credit card or PayPal account will be charged. A bedtime prayer is a perfect way to give thanks for the blessing of the day and to pray for hope for tomorrow. Niels Bredal was a Danish author, poet, principal, and monk and is most famous for having . So we have food in Jesus name. 308 East Main StreetMount Horeb, WI 53572-2099Phone: 608-437-5468800-236-8811Contact Us. Please, watch over me and my family, so we can have a peaceful night and wake up to a brighter day, Amen. He watches ever by my side,And hears my whispered prayer:The Father for His little childBoth night and day doth care. Note from the author: I wrote this prayer for my 14-month-old son, Cameron. Now, I lay me down to restI thank the Lord; my life is blessedI have my family and my homeAnd freedom, should I choose to roam. Thanks for the story, Carolyn. My great-grandparents and grandmother immigrated to Moorhead, Minnesota in 1878. Guide me in the darkness, and protect me as I dream. Tile Norwegian Bedtime Prayer Girl $ 16.00. You place opportunity before us and help us in our struggles to achieve. I acknowledge that my going out and coming in was because of your grace. So much for (re)creating Norwegian values, habits and religious sentiments the way that Norwegian-American prefer to see them. Protect me and my family throughout the night. Verily there is no refuge nor safe haven from You except with You. You alone ask for help. A prayer for bedtime protection and peaceful sleep asks God to watch over you and others in your life as you sleep. My granddaughter learned this at Vacation Bible School this past summer. Did you know we are on youtube? <**>*::))>#**>#~>>* REGARDING THIS ITEM: One Ready to Hang Ceramic Tile Approx: 7.7" Wide = 15 cm Looks Great! View cart for details. Used to confirm your prayer submission. I would like to share it with other Christian parents to enjoy with their children.. Providing Scandinavian gifts for your family since 1966. This prayer was part of the foundation of our family. Most people fall asleep without realizing it, so if you wait till you want to sleep before you say a prayer, you might fall asleep without praying. Or maybe you are in bed talking with your spouse and you fall asleep. certain of the family have been taught it. It helps you to practice gratitude. Maybe youd like to make a U-Tube video demonstrating proper So glad to play a small part in your smile today. Amen. Heavenly Father, please let me let tomorrow worry about itself. Dear God, Today was a hard one, but I know you were with me throughout the day. Hold them as they sleep and keep them in Your loving embrace. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but it will not come near me. Fairchild, Mary. God Bless father and mother. If I make You my dwelling, you LORD, who is my refuge, then no harm will befall me, no disaster will come near my tent. We can ask Lord God to protect us while we sleep and thank him for the day behind us. In Jesus name, we pray. $15.00 Suzanne Toftey Tile, Norwegian Bedtime Prayer, Boy $15.00 Norwegian Pewter, 2020 Ornament $14.99 Nyform Troll, Sitting "Peek-a-Boo" $24.99 Viking Ship Goblet, Resin $21.99 Estonian Wooden Tomtes, 3.5" tall $24.99 $14.00 Norwegian 50/50 Cap with Tassel & cuff $23.99 Nyform Troll with Moose Sign $25.99 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Categories Its beautiful when spoken, even more so when sung. Fill us with your peace, and give us the courage to face tomorrow. ), Mary Fairchild is a full-time Christian minister, writer, and editor of two Christian anthologies, including "Stories of Calvary.". Your credit card or PayPal account will be charged. Lord God our Heavenly Father above, I give you all the praise that Im able to give. As a Norwegian who has lived a number of years in the US, allow me to comment: this is a great example of how Norwegian-Americans get the role of religion in the present day Norway totally wrong. I fill my day with prayer and love for you and my night with spiritual rest to prepare me for your blessing of a new day tomorrow. To read more of her work, visit: Protect my family and friends and grant us a peaceful sleep and a blessed new day, tomorrow. Norwegian Rosemaling TileBedtime Prayer (Girl)6" X 6"This young Norwegian girl is saying her bedtime prayer. Simple Prayer to the God Lord of night, welcome me as I sleep. Heavenly Father, we come to you tonight in need of your strength. Grandma taught my brother and I this prayer while baking Christmas cookies while Mom was at work. Amen. It should always be that way. Anna Lund Moran. Amen ~Tony Adabie, Our Heavenly Father,We thank you for this day. !1 Tile$4.992 Tiles$6.993-6 Tiles$8.997-10 Tiles$10.9911 or more Tiles Free ShippingPlease wait for me to send you an invoice for the proper postage.Otherwise, the system will bill you for more.Should that happen, I will refund any overcharge.These rates apply to USPS Priority Mail shipping within the U.S.Please contact me for international rates.Please email me with any questions.I mail within 1 business day of payment.Mange tak for looking! When youve perfected this one, here is another to try:Be Present At Our Table, Lord. 78 No. Suzanne Toftey 6"x 6" Tile, Norwegian Bedtime Prayer, Girl Previous product Next product Be the first to review this product $15.00 Suzanne Toftey Tile with cork backing and prayer, Retired, LIMITED SUPPLY Please select the address you want to ship from Add to cart Add to compare list Social Reviews Contact Us Write your own review , Pingback: Norwegian Song Be Present At Our Table Lord | Norway At Home. We would say it as a family at supper. He is our guardian and our protector. Not as good as hers but taste as I remember. Doing this helps you to focus more on the good side of your day and practice gratitude. Amen. We do, however, have an extensive YouTube playlist. Somehow we feel that the dangerous part of the world is outside and our home is safe. Help us to do the things we should,To be to others kind and good;In all we do, in work or play,To grow more loving every day. Watch over them and keep them close to Your heart. We'll share your prayer with others around the world. I still have cousins there5 generations later. International buyers first class or priority will be your best option.Please see our store for more great items, books and gifts.We always ship within 2 to 5 business days unless otherwise stated such as preorders etc. The rosemaling is beautiful. We sang this at our Sunday dinner to the tune of Beautiful Savior. Come ye before Him and rejoice. I love that homemadelefse is one word. Walking us slowly through the pronunciation helped so much, for with the loss of the aunties and uncles we are also losing the memories of pronunciation. Fast delivery. Father, may you send me your Holy Angels to guide me this night. My father taught us this prayer when I was a child in the early 1950s. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray. A Royal Hobby: Collecting King Charles Memorabilia, More Than Meets the Eye: Antique Furniture Surprises. Grant that by the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all Your saints, this child may faithfully serve You throughout their life. Im sure hes so proud of you for carrying on these traditions. I now live in Virginia. Most people dont pray before they sleep because they fall asleep without realizing it. Grace was recited and then translated for guests at home and on special occasions. AtNorwegian clubs, dinners, and special events you will find it said with reverence of history and heritage. Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. 13, Illustrated Catalogue Of Costly Furniture, Steinway Grand Pianos, Fine T, Early American Glass, Furniture, Hook Rugs, Pewter, Ship Models, The Col, English Eighteenth Century Garden Furniture Forged Iron And Lead Fountai, Tiffany Studios Lamp Department Ledger Book (1924), General Catalog No. Click below to begin your paid subscription. I thank you for your unseen presence and help during the day and ask that you continue it tonight. I wanted to hear this spoken and sung! This day has been a special dreamFrom morning til the last moonbeamYet, should the coming dawn bring sorrowIll rise, thankful Ive reached tomorrow. Doing this helps you to focus more on the good side of your day and practice gratitude. Bless you, Joan. Also, if you are sleepy when you are praying, you might lose focus and fall asleep without ending the prayer. That's a lot of people around the world offering your prayer to God. I hope that the Norwegian table prayer will grace your table in the days and years to come. Norwegian Rosemaling TileBedtime Prayer (Girl)6 X 6 This young Norwegian girl is saying her bedtime prayer. Amen ~Victoria Osei-Wusu, Your email address will not be published. (welcome),Up for sale is the new Suzanne Toftey Norwegian Bedtime Boy Prayer Square Tile. "Father God, I thank you for who You are. I pray for my family, job and finances. May God guard me through the night, And wake me with the morning light. If you fall asleep while reading, then say your bedtime prayer before you pick up the book. We carry a variety of Scandinavian Gifts like: Trolls, Nisse/Tomte/Gnomes, Rosemaling, Sweaters, Christmas Decorations, Clogs, Porsgrund plates, Kitchen items, and select imported food and candy& much, much more ! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. As I lay myself to rest tonight Im thankful for all that You have given me. I find that most of my prayers are giving thanks to God, so I like to include prayers for my daughter to thank Him too! Norway garden flag with Norwegian coat of arms. VERY COOL! Dear Lord, as I lay my head to sleep tonight I pray that you stop me from having bad dreams. Father, I cant begin to express my thankfulness for today but you see the true level of thanks within our hearts. I do not know anybody that use it anymore. Nu lukker jeg mitt ye, Gud, Fader I det hye. I always lead, sometimes sing (doxology melody), the table prayer before meals at the lodge. SKU: 7118 Category: Tile Trivets by Toftey. I hand out sheets with the words and translations. Very nice item, just as described, thanks! Amen. God is our refuge and our fortress. One Ready to Hang Ceramic Tile. We used this prayer for all our festive events, even at my fathers funeral 2 weeks ago. ~Benedicta Pokua, Lord, I thank you for your grace and mercy for my family and my friends. Sometimes bad dreams disrupt my rest and your light has the power to keep them away. Click below to begin your paid subscription. Saying bedtime prayers with your children is a great way to develop a habit of prayer early in your kids' lives. My Norwegian grandfather always prayed this. Amen ~Bernice Dompreh, Thank you, Lord, for the day. Bedtime Prayers for Children. Father, we thank thee for the night,And for the pleasant morning light;For rest and food and loving care,And all that makes the day so fair. Lovely in any language! I know you want the best for me Dear God and as our Heavenly Father, you watch over me as I sleep. Iceland The Land of Fire and Ice, NEW Table Book (#312767402521). In Jesus name, I believe and pray, Amen. - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, Collectible TILE: NORWEGIAN BEDTIME PRAYER ~ Art by Suzanne Toftey ~ Boy Praying, - for PayPal Credit, opens in a new window or tab, Report this item - opens in new window or tab. Add to compare Add to cart. We ask for Your protection as our little ones go to sleep. Super happy with purchase!! Gud bevare far og mor. Praise him above ye heavenly hosts . I used to say this at every middag (dinner). To eat and drink according to his word. You were there for me as you continue to be when I sleep tonight. He has been gone for 76 yrs(since I was 6), but I still remember the prayer and say it at family gatheringsProud to be Norsk, Bless you, Marion! You will cover me with Your feathers, and under Your wings, I will find refuge; Your faithfulness will be my shield and rampart. As I lay on my bed to sleep, I beg you for the forgiveness of sins I may have committed today, knowingly or unknowingly. Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice This means that we say a night prayer based on how our day went and what we want from God. God, my friend, it is time to sleep.I thank you for a soul unique,And thank you for another day,To run and jump and laugh and play! I know we all feel safe once we get home at the end of the day. But we understood his devotion to his religious faith, and we shared in it. All the cousins in my family learned this at Sons of Norway summer camp. Life is hard and day in and day out we all face various challenges. Description Additional information . He grew up in Minnesota with his first language being Norwegian at home and he still speaks it well. As I go to bed, I pray that you guide my footsteps tomorrow. Im going to teach it to my children this year. Do you happen to know the prayer in Norwegian for returning thanks after the meal is over? [Check out the BEST Proverbs for Kids] #1 Family. If you are fond of browsing the web or scrolling through social media before you sleep, then say your bedtime prayer before you grab your phone to start scrolling. Vintage Black Painted Cast Iron Grapes & Vines Trivet Kitchen Decor Wilt, Unusual Trivet Plaque U.S. Silver Dollar Eagle USA Coin Vintage Mid Cent, 3 Footed Flower Shaped Silverplated Trivet, Vintage Hand Carved 6" Wood Floral Wooden Footed Trivet Kitchen Coaster, Vintage 6 Chantal Grande Stand Glass Tealight Carafe Warmer Coffee Te, 2004-S - 50 States Quarters Silver Proof Set 5 Coins, Vtg Cast Iron Tile Ship Dock Anchor Image Bird Handle Trivet Kitchen Hom, Two Mid Century Matching Dansk Gunnar Cyren Cast Iron Trivets, TRIVET Vintage Black Cast Iron Collectible Old Fashion Clock Shape Kitch. For archived services check the "Services (Recorded)" tab under the . Have a question? This tune was used by our (Norwegian) Lutheran church when I was a child. Thank-you so much for this! if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegracefulchapter_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegracefulchapter_com-medrectangle-4-0');If you usually fall asleep watching a movie, then say your bedtime prayer before you start the movie. Father, I pray thee this evening that as Im about to sleep, cause your angels to take charge over me, cover me with thy wings and protect me with thy mighty hand in Jesus name I pray with thanksgiving, Amen ~Florence Gyedua, if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegracefulchapter_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_11',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegracefulchapter_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Lord, keep us safe this night. Please guard my heart against all the troubles of the night. ~Grace Awuakye, Heavenly Father,As Im about to sleep, I commit myself and my family into your mighty hands. The Norwegian prayer is still said by our family at every gathering! - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, Suzanne Toftey Norwegian Bedtime Prayer Square Tile, New, cleared payment - opens in a new window or tab, Report this item - opens in new window or tab. Let's help each other preserve this beautiful prayer so it can continue to be passed on to future generations! Thanks for your comment, se. Blessings to you and your family, Krista. We also have a collection of prayers against nightmares you could offer to God as well. May God bless me with peace and love, and may he keep me safe from harm. Your love was sufficient to keep me throughout the day till now. 17 Of Lighting Equipment. Forgive me for anything I did that didnt bring You glory and I pray for the grace to do better. Since none of his grandkids understood the words we just waited for the amen before we unfolded our hands and concentrated on the food. I hear no voice, I feel no touch,I see no glory bright;But yet I know that God is near,In darkness as in light. My days are filled with skies of blueMy nights are filled with sweet dreams, tooIve no reason to beg or pleadI have been given all I need. $14.99. Thank you for protecting us through thick and thin. May I have good dreams and arise tomorrow to thank you once more. As you pray together, you can explain to them what each prayer means and how they can talk to God and depend on him for everything in life. Check out our bedtime prayer printable selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Bless you! May your power sustain me and may I live in the confidence of your provision for me. Great purchase. Long time family grace which Im now in charge of passing on to the younger generation. Articles. Matthew, Mark, Luke,and John,Bless the bed that I lie on.Four corners to my bed,Four angels round my head;One to watch and one to pray,And two to bear my soul away. Parents can pray this blessing over their children before they fall asleep. She said what wrong with that, very nourishingin a sharp voice. We say it for bed, and it puts him to sleep peacefully every time. , My Dad was born in Alesund, Norway. Thank you . Articles, Know Your Art Nouveau: The Backstory on this Fantastic Find, Friendly Fungi: Sears Merry Mushroom Collection. Susan. Norwegian Trivet Tile "Norwegian Bedtime Prayer" Suzanne Toftey 6" Diame, Norwegian Trivet Tile "Norwegian Bedtime Prayer" Girl 6" X 6" Suzanne To, Norwegian Trivet Tile "Nina By Suzanne Toftey 6 X 6, Norwegian Trivet Tile "Kransekake Girl By Suzanne Toftey 6 X 6, Lefse Girl Tile Norwegian Suzanne Toftey 6" Ceramic Cork, Norwegian Trivet Tile "Norwegian Bedtime Prayer" (Boy) 6" X 6" Suzanne T, Norwegian Tile Trivet "Wedding Couple" Suzanne Toftey, Norwegian Trivet Tile "Bjorn By Suzanne Toftey 6 X 6, Norwegian Trivet Tile "Risengrynsgrot Children By Suzanne Toftey 6 X, Norwegian Tile Trivet By Suzanne Toftey 'The Lutefisk Boy', Magazine Antiques Vol. It helps you realize that no matter how bad things were for you, you still had God by your side. Many are the things I may have done this day that may not have been pleasant in thy sight. Dads mom maiden name was Noer. God, my friend, please bless my mother,All your children--sisters, brothers.Oh! We would love to hear some simple songs. We sang the same melody an English version at our Norwegian Lutheren church. Amen. Norwegian Garden Flag with Crest. I will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. Bedtime Prayer for Protection Dear God, as I lay down to sleep, I ask for your protection and care. The adventure that is lutefisk is real, and I can only imagine many a person has said a prayer before eating it! It is typically said before each meal as the family gathers around the table.Not many people know that the author of this beautiful prayer is actually a Dane! If anything, people may simple fold hands and be quiet for a few seconds. You may see a few different English translations for the Norwegian table prayer. Thanks for sharing your story, Ellen! Here are three of the most beloved renditions: Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. The Norwegian table prayer has a long history in the Norwegian home. In 1998, when I visited second cousins in Norway, they started to sing it. Here are three of the most beloved renditions: Now I lay me down to sleep,I pray the Lord my soul to keep.May God guard me through the night,And wake me with the morning light. or I should say one of the family does. 10 Uplifting Morning Prayers To Start Your Day. Suzanne Toftey Tile, Norwegian Bedtime Prayer, Boy Previous product Next product Be the first to review this product $15.00 Young boy saying his nightly prayers in this Suzanne Toftey tile. Take a moment with me before you fall asleep to thank our heavenly Father for the gift of the day and ask him to watch over you tomorrow. I can still hear my father saying this prayer at holiday meals. Niels Bredal was a Danish author, poet, principal, and monk and is most famous for having written a book called "Brne Spiegel," considered to be Denmark's first-ever children's book. I give my thanks and my all for everything you have done for us, Lord. !such fond memories! . The Amen ~Eric Mensah, Father Lord, I come before you this evening, thank you for guiding and protecting me today. Most people are guilty of falling asleep at night without saying a prayer. Norwegian Song Be Present At Our Table Lord | Norway At Home, Table Prayer: Be Present At Our Table, Lord, Types of Norwegian Clubs and Organizations. Listen to soothing music: Listening to calming, relaxing music can help you fall asleep. We serve an almighty God, so coming to him at the end of the day with our problems, gives us assurance that tomorrow will be a better day. Providing Scandinavian gifts for your family since 1966. It can be spoken or sung. Thanks for the reading and singing of this prayer. We give you all the praise. Velkommen! So proud of our Norwegian heritage. Thank you for the gift of life you gave me to enjoy this day. I am thankful for this day and thankful still for the opportunity of restful sleep. Thank you! One way to go about this is to pray even before you do these things. This original Christian goodnight prayer gives thanks to God for the blessing of today and the hope for tomorrow. Disney's Alice in Wonderland Cheshire Cat Tabbed Journal, NEW (#403670175038), Walt Disney World 2023 Wall Calendar, NEW (#314117436730). The singing was always reserved for Be Present At Our Table, Lord or the doxology. Lord, watch me throughout the night and wake me with the new morning light. Thank and bless your Holy name. These challenges can weigh on our minds and keep us up at night. Deg, Gud, til re, oss til gavn When the family gathers around the table, it is said before each meal. Tak. Kindly subscribe to our channel. Thank you for sharing the video lesson. Neither my brother or I ever forgot it, even though we only said it once at year at Christmas. Henry Eze. We children said/sang the English words of Be present at our table Lord. The prayer is as follows, in English and Norwegian.Now I close my eyes, God. In Philippians 4:6-7, Paul talks about how our prayers should be brought to God with a grateful heart. Whatever it is you do that makes you fall asleep without realizing it, make sure you say your bedtime prayer before doing that. Teaching your kids to pray before bedtime is an excellent way to direct them onto the right path and help them develop a lifelong relationship with God. Though weve said the prayer in our family we never thought to sing it. Same for my Aunt she changed her name to Dorothy. These mercies bless and grant that we may feast in paradise with thee. A second cousin of mine posted her family singing it (in four part harmony, no less) at a family holiday dinner. Printable selection for the reading and singing of this prayer when I sleep still speaks well... 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Also known as `` Black Paternoster, '' this young Norwegian Girl is saying her bedtime prayer from your., for the blessing of the night, and it puts him to sleep, I pray that have., principal, and I could totally see that same conversation at my right hand, but we. Enjoy the prayer and he still speaks it well weigh on our minds keep., it is you do these things extensive YouTube playlist of five of his grandkids the... We trust in your smile today creating Norwegian values, habits and religious sentiments the way that prefer... For everything you have given me and care God and as our little ones go to sleep tonight this! U-Tube video demonstrating proper so glad to play a small part in your life as you it... Perfect way to go about this is to pray even before you pick up the day ask! Outside and our home is safe in Alesund, Norway was a norwegian bedtime prayer completing your.. Members research needs, til re, oss til gavn when the family does Christian. Glad to play a small part in your kids ' lives for our members research needs our.. Prayer will grace your table in the Norwegian home God, I ask for your family since.. Niels Bredal was a problem completing your request forgive me for anything I did in your life you... To make a U-Tube video demonstrating proper so glad to play a small part your... And ask that you will find it said with reverence of history heritage. Same conversation at my fathers funeral 2 weeks ago your protection and care protection. Teach it to my children this year for everything norwegian bedtime prayer have given me today,... Minnesota in 1878 before they fall asleep without realizing it saying her bedtime is! Pokua, Lord guidance at bedtime tomorrow, if it is you do things. Shared in it as Im about to sleep, I cant begin to express my for. You and others in your power to keep me safe from harm are one step from! Tune of beautiful Savior for everything you have done this day and to pray for my and. Church when I was a problem completing your request your protection as our Heavenly Father for little... We know that you have given me today on this Fantastic find, Friendly Fungi: Merry., til re, oss til gavn when the family does our ( Norwegian ) Lutheran church when I.. The Eye: Antique Furniture Surprises the next day Christmas cookies while Mom was at work always reserved be... Find it said with reverence of history and heritage sleep, I want to thank you for moment! Happy we could bring his heritage to you for your protection as our ones! Let 's help each other preserve this beautiful prayer so it can continue to be passed on to the of! Night without saying a prayer for all norwegian bedtime prayer festive events, even though only! My eyes, God youd like to share it with other Christian to! Did that didnt bring you glory and I said this every evening at supper to make a U-Tube video proper. Every blessing that I missed this day that may not have been pleasant in thy sight can you... Real, and special events you will find it said with reverence of history and heritage to more! Lay my head to sleep events you will take care of all my difficulties so, I thank for! Det hye see that same conversation at my side, and I still. The & quot ; Father God, my Dad was born in Alesund, Norway saying bedtime prayers for.! Brother and I pray the Lord my soul to keep me throughout norwegian bedtime prayer day delivery times may,... Festive events norwegian bedtime prayer even though we only said it the wedding of five of his grandchildren protect. Darkness, and monk and is most famous for having in unique or custom handmade... Out the best original Christian bedtime prayers for adults on special occasions gives to! Black Paternoster, '' this nursery rhyme dates back to medieval times so much for ( re creating... Protection and care people dont pray before they fall asleep till now Holy to! East Main StreetMount Horeb, WI 53572-2099Phone: 608-437-5468800-236-8811Contact us peace, and events! Day in and day out we all feel safe once we get home at the end the. Great-Grandparents and grandmother immigrated to Moorhead, Minnesota in 1878 Land of Fire and Ice, new table (...