The barley harvest will play a significant role in moving this story forward in the next two chapters. In her second effort, Naomi insists that her daughters-in-law must not return with her because it would only cause them to endure some of her affliction (verse 13). The text does not really tell us but the Sages do, and so, we will engage in reverse engineering, trying to grasp their view of this complex personality and then to appreciate the antecedents of their interpretation. , ), Phoenician port, N. of Tyre in Lebanon. A famine plagued Israel in the days of the judges. stream Having started off on a rather negative note, let me hasten to say that the Book of Ruth is a breath of fresh air for those of us who have just come from the Book of Judges. 18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped trying to dissuade her. As they entered Bethlehem, they became the talk of the town. It must be, the Sages reasoned, that Elimelech misread his destiny. This should not come as news to us, but it is a truth that has not come easily to Jews, even some Jewish Christians.33 It is Naomi who fails to live up to the faith of her fathers, while Ruth is an example for all to follow, Jew or Gentile. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. He thought that he would be King. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous before God, but those who do the law will be declared righteous. She views God as harsh and uncaring, doling out affliction and trouble in a way that is completely unrelated to her attitudes and actions. Elimelech died, and the sons married two Moabite women: Mahlon married Ruth and Chilion married Orpah. This is the origin of the Moabites and the Ammonites. They rejected him as they rejected others. How could Naomi point them in the wrong direction? But when Ruth refused to return to her people and accompanied her to Bethlehem, Boaz entered the picture, a close relative, a possible redeemer. 7 Now as she and her two daughters-in-law began to leave the place where she had been living to return to the land of Judah, 8 Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, Listen to me! The chapter ends with the authors assessment of where things stand, with a hint of what lies ahead. Think of it: Naomi and her husband leave the land where God promised to bless them. Such early setting out of the players is quite unusual in Biblical writing. Who were Naomis daughter in laws? How could any faithful Israelite encourage someone to return to their (false) god(s)? 3 Sometime later Naomis husband Elimelech died, so she and her two sons were left alone. WebBecause of a severe famine in Judea, he emigrated to the land of Moab with his wife and his sons, Mahlon and Chilion. Be careful not to jump to conclusions., "Elimelech 17 Wherever you die, I will die and there I will be buried. After the death of their father, the two sons married Moabite women. But when she urged Ruth to return to her pagan god(s), that was the worst unkindness of all. The first chapter of Ruth is very important because our appraisal of Ruth, Naomi, and (soon) Boaz in the first chapters of Ruth will greatly shape our understanding of the rest of the book. She has chosen to permanently leave her homeland and family and to embrace Israel, the Israelites, and Israels God as her own, forever. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023, Ruth: A Story of Redemption -- A Study of the Book of Ruth. What a marvelous woman of faith Ruth was. You will note from the first verse of chapter 1 that the setting for the story of Ruth is the times of the judges. A godly Israelite would not only trust in the one true God, Yahweh, they would also know that there are no other gods. It is not Naomis belief in the sovereignty of God that troubles me as much as how she applies it. When the story opens, Naomis sons have just died. Spouse. And both (at least initially) were committed to staying with Naomi, even if that meant immigrating to Israel. Would man who truly believes that His God is King abandon his people at the time of famine? Due to the famine in Israel during the time of the Judges, Elimelech crossed over to Moab, where he and his two sons died. WebElimelech and his sons all died in Moab, leaving Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah widowed. I believe the opening words of A Tale of Two Cities go like this: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . Surely these words aptly describe Ruth in the period of the judges. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. ). Lot and his family were spared, but his wife died (turned to salt) because she looked back. Each of you should return to your mothers home! In her thinking, God had stripped her of all hope by taking her husband and her sons in death, and by preventing their wives from bearing children. (Ruth 1:1-22)2. Lot fled with his daughters and was living in a cave. ELAM (Heb. 15 So Naomi said, Look, your sister-in-law is returning to her people and to her god. Put another way, the title of this book is Ruth, not Orpah. (February 22, 2023). Elimelech appears to have been a man of faith who did not or could not be fully faithful. Naomi felt that God was against her, and every indication is that she felt God had dealt with her in a harsh and severe way. And in good covenant form, she pronounced a curse upon herself if she did otherwise. And Elimelech Naomi's husband died; and she was left, and her two sons. 1:1-5 Elimelech's care to provide for his family, was not to be blamed; but his removal into the country of Moab could not be justified. And the removal ended in the wasting of his family. In the past, Naomi was always portrayed in a somewhat flattering way. Naomi heard that the famine in Judah had ended and food was now available in Bethlehem ( Ruth 1:6 ), so she determined to return. When I realized this, I blurted out, What a witch!, much to the surprise of the rest of the class. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. Can this be Naomi? they asked (verse 19). Look with me at these words from Genesis 19, taking up just after the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and Lots escape, along with his daughters: 30 Lot went up from Zoar with his two daughters and settled in the mountains because he was afraid to live in Zoar. 14 Again they wept loudly. Only death will be able to separate me from you!. % There is really no evidence of faith (on Naomis part), either. (9) What we know (and Naomi does not) is that God is about to do a wonderful thing for her, solely on the basis of His grace. Ruth, out of love and loyalty to her mother-in-law, accompanied Naomi back to Bethlehem, while Orpah stayed in Moab. Died. 2 Then I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, so that you will exemplify divine blessing. Who even remembers her name? where did these children come from? (Isaiah 49:20-21). Ruth emphatically says No to Naomi, but with such wonderful words Naomi can hardly continue to stand in her way. Dagon first appears as an important and widely, Rachel When M, Elijah ben Solomon Abraham Ha-Kohen of Smyrna, Elijah ben Eliezer Philosoph Ha-Yerushalmi, Elijah ben Baruch (ben Solomon ben Abraham) The Elder, His name was Nate Mirza. They came empty (at least according to Naomis assessment see verse 21), but God would not let them go hungry (or childless). They insisted on going on to Israel with Naomi. Ruth was determined to serve and care for her mother-in-law; Orpah chose to look out for herself. Ordinarily it would be translated as, My God is King. 14 For whenever the Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature the things required by the law, these who do not have the law are a law to themselves. My sense is that most of the residents of Bethlehem stayed in Bethlehem, rather than leaving to sojourn in a foreign country during the days of the famine. Neither does she mention the mistreatment they would likely receive because Moab is Israels enemy, but they could probably read between the lines. 31 Later the older daughter said to the younger, Our father is old, and there is no man anywhere nearby to have sexual relations with us, according to the way of all the world. Web(5) And they died. W. Moran, The Amarna Letters (1992), 326; W. Watson and N. Wyatt (eds. If our text tells us anything about God, it is that His ways are not our ways. The resolution to these irregularities is primarily exegetical. March 11, 1787 Leajsk, Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. One would have to begin by saying that these two women have a fair bit in common. 14 For those who speak in such a way make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. She was willing to sacrifice family ties, marriage, and a family to do so. If her daughters-in-law could snag a good (Moabite) husband, bear some children, and have a bountiful harvest they were indeed blessed, at least as Naomi viewed it. Is the volume of resulting sugar mixture equal more than or less than the sum (20 ml sugar 50 ml water ) of the volumes of the unmixed sugar and water? around Bethlehem, Elimelech and Naomi moved to Moab (Moab was the Naomi, so to speak, put all of her eggs into one basket marriage and bearing children. The Midrash explains: What does a fox watch out for in the ruins? They were both Moabite women, close to the same age. Ephrathites of Beth-lehem-judah Bethlehem was otherwise called Ephratha. He is the ancestor of the Ammonites of today (Genesis 19:30-38, emphasis mine). The security in the home of a new husband referred to earlier is now spelled out in plainer terms. Create a Memorial Douay-Rheims Bible And Elimelech the husband of Noemi died: and she remained with her sons. The tale begins not in Israel or Judah but in Moab, where the Israelite Naomi and her husband, Elimelech, and her two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, went during a famine in Judah. 1 0 obj Naomi and her sons lived in Moab for ten years and then both Mahlon and Kilion died as well, childless. They did not seem to live by it, so why would they consider it important to teach it to a Moabite? Naomi"fair or pleasant"; and their two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, are supposed to be the same as Joash and Saraph (1Ch 4:22). Jethro had seven daughters who served as his shepherdesses. WebElimelech died, leaving Naomi with only her two sons. The story in the book tells that Naomi plans to Naomi saw singleness (widowhood for her) and childlessness as a curse, while Paul taught that singleness could facilitate ministry to others and to God (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). The book of Ruth opens with a presentation of several characters. Elimelech was severely punished for his failings but the good within him was preserved and rewarded and he became the progenitor of the Royal line. And so they did. Why do you call me Naomi, seeing that the Lord has opposed me, and the Sovereign One has caused me to suffer? 22 So Naomi returned, accompanied by her Moabite daughter-in-law Ruth, who came back with her from the region of Moab. Posted on September 7, 2005 By Rabbi Dr. Meir Levin |, Bar Mitzvah Keeping the Right Perspective, Bar and Bas Mitzvah A Special Celebration, Bar/Bat Mitzvah: A Re-enactment of Kabolas Hatorah, Shavuos and Bar Mitzvah: Causes For Celebration, Marital Partners Compatibility of Missions. He was a leader who possessed the requisite qualities, except for that of deep love and concern for his flock and of disregard of his own worthiness and rights. EphrathitesThe ancient name of Beth-lehem was Ephrath (Ge 35:19; 48:7), which was continued after the occupation of the land by the Hebrews, even down to the time of the prophet Micah (Mic 5:2). Web- And Elimelech Naomi's husband died. 33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! Elimelech was severely punished for his failings but the good within him was preserved and rewarded and he became the progenitor of the Royal line. Other translations have another another husband. Webelimelech Due to the famine in Israel during the time of the Judges, Elimelech crossed over to Moab, where he and his two sons died. The ancestors, since they knew their genealogies, would derive names from events. Clearly as quite young men. It says in verse three that Elimelech died in Moab. She would go where Naomi went and live where she lived. But (One was named Orpah and the other Ruth.) (1) There is no clear link to a particular time, to a particular judge, or to a particular event recorded in the Book of Judges. 3 I will bless those who bless you, but the one who treats you lightly I must curse, and all the families of the earth will bless one another by your name (Genesis 12:1-3, emphasis mine). It purposefully draws our attention to it, for it first tells us that a man went out and then tells us that the name of the man was Elimelech. Even if she were able to bear children, it would be unreasonable for these two widows to wait 20 years for replacement husbands. No, in Naomis mind there was no good reason to remain with her as she returned to her homeland. In our text (as in Judges and everywhere else in Scripture), man looks bad, very bad, and God looks good, very good. Perhaps he was not even fully aware of this failing but God was. The crises of life are Gods pop quizzes, times when He puts our faith to the test, times when He gives us an opportunity to put our faith on display. Naomi instructs us to beware of Calvinism run amuck. The translation project originally started as an attempt to provide an electronic version of a modern translation for electronic distribution over the Internet and on CD (compact disk). Obviously, Naomi had changed. It is also true (as God Himself says above) that God also punishes the guilty, but that is not the totality of who God is. When kings ruled, My God is King, denoted not only spiritual but also political power. Naomi not only disregards the Abrahamic Covenant, she also urges Ruth (and Orpah) to do likewise. The WebBoaz is a preeminent example of selflessness, willing to risk the loss of his own name so that he could make sure that the name and line of his relative Elimele We will not focus overmuch on the details as much as on the concepts. This news prompted her to return to her people and to her land. People of faith in God often stand out in times of crisis, so let us live by the principles of Scripture, rather than by pragmatism. Fearing they would be overrun by the Israelites, Balak (king of Moab)4 hired Balaam to curse Israel. Was it at Naomis initiative that her sons took Moabite women for wives? Surely it fell short of what Ruths experience will be. Cholim Prayers for Those in Need, Make a Donation as Ili-Milku, a variant of the name Milk-ilu, ruler of Gezer. Eventually, Naomi steered Ruth into a relationship with a distant relative named Boaz. The mans name was Elimelech. Anyone is at liberty to use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit. You, leaders, did not stand among the ruins like Moses did. Born. We, too, live in very pragmatic times, and those who live by principle especially the principles of Gods Word are few and far between. That is why some men and women will choose never to marry or to bear children. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them (Hebrews 11:13-16). Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. Naomi did not doubt the existence of God nor did she doubt His power. Yet, they throw a shadow over the entire story. iddunnu) comes from the root , Hadad T -6d$zA ^C(D`Ed8 BR. The Hebrew term Elohim is plural, but some render it god here, and others gods. Chemosh appears to be the primary Moabite god, but there may well have been others. Good News Translation Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps. He lived during the period of the Judges, had a hereditary possession near Bethlehem, and is chiefly known as the husband of Naomi, the mother-in-law of Ru and ancestress of David the king. When a famine came to the area around Bethlehem, Elimelech and Naomi moved to Moab (Moab was the name of Lot's elder And thus there is no evidence of repentance on her part at this point in time. I hate to say this, but after being involved in ministry for many years, I would have to say that some of the worst counsel I have ever heard has come from well-meaning Christians. Lot and his two daughters are now living in a cave. The son of the oldest daughter was named Moab; the son of the younger daughter was named Ammon. For my intense suffering is too much for you to bear. Leaving His land, His people, His office-bearers, His worship and His day is leaving God. His counsel (even though it effectively called God a liar) was given as though it were in her best interest. Just being Jewish and knowing the Law of Moses isnt enough; one must also live by the law. In her mind, this was the normal, the customary, way to produce offspring. When it sees people coming, it immediately runs away. 15 In fact, if they had been thinking of the land that they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. How wrong she was! What a mighty, magnificent, merciful, awesome God we serve! God is always at his work. I remember responding to Nate, Neither do the rest of us. Well, if this is true of us, it is certainly true of the Moabites. The more Naomi protests her miserable state, the more we are being prepared for a great work of God. Instead you must completely overthrow them and smash their standing stones to pieces (Exodus 23:24). But Ruth refuses to abandon Naomi and clings to her tightly. There is no reason for you to return to Judah with me! In moving to Moab, Naomi left the Lord to some extent and for some years. What a relief it is to leave Judges behind and come to the Book of Ruth! | All rights reserved. Naomi thought of Gods blessings in terms of having food and a family. And they went to the country of Moab and remained there. The Sages, however, read it with a slight difference in pronunciation as Elai Melech For he said: Kingship is due to me (Ruth Rabba 2,5). Instead, it was God who demonstrated His sovereignty by bringing about the chain of events that culminated in the establishment of monarchy in Israel. This was a violation of the Mosaic law (De 7:3; 23:3; Ezr 9:2; Ne 13:23); and Jewish writers say that the early deaths of both the young men were divine judgments inflicted on them for those unlawful connections. Apparently Elimelech abandoned his people because they scorned their leaders. Naomis hope was in the physical rather than in the spiritual, in the present rather than in eternity. He is the ancestor of the Moabites of today. So the woman was left all alone bereaved of her two children as well as her husband! Call me Mara because the Sovereign One has treated me very harshly. Ezekiel (10, 3) castigates the leaders of Israel as being foxes in the ruins. His faithfulness to His people and to His covenant is at a time when His people are not faithful to Him and when they are living in disregard for His law. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. That person is a true Jew at heart. They no longer have their old or former husbands because they have died. than the children of the married woman, says the Lord. They were of the clan of Ephrath from Bethlehem in Judah.) ; Akkad. He went first from Israel, the land of the living, and led them thence, and so he now goeth out of 38 The younger daughter also gave birth to a son and named him Ben-Ammi. Other than weeping, Orpah remains silent;20 Ruths words and actions are what the author has chosen to report. Wouldnt it be better for the two of them to travel together? Finally, the description of Elimelech departure is frugal and bereft of detail. ), matriarch of Israel, wife of *Jacob and the mother of *Joseph and Benjamin. Web1290 BC Elimelech dies, likely stricken by God for abandoning his inheritance, allowing his two sons to marry Moabites and not joining the battle against Benjamin in Judges 20. It is as though she has forgotten Gods description of Himself in Exodus 34: 6 The Lord passed by before him and proclaimed: The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, and abounding in loyal love and faithfulness, 7 keeping loyal love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. 1 Shout for joy, O barren one who has not given birth! Shouldnt Ruth follow her lead? Naomi told her friend not to call her Naomi (which means pleasant) any longer, but rather to call her Mara (which means bitter). 10 From what we learn from the Book of Ruth, one does wonder what role Naomi played in this decision. After only ten years in Moab, Elimelechs sons also died. He was one of the c, JETHRO 20 It could well be that Orpah had much to say, but the author did not wish to focus on her as she is not the heroine of this story. 10 The rain and snow fall from the sky and do not return, but instead water the earth and make it produce and yield crops, and provide seed for the planter and food for those who must eat. When they entered Bethlehem, the whole village was excited about their arrival. named after him.) Elimelech was Naomi's husband. She had to leave her family, her homeland, and her gods and go to the place of Gods blessing. The oldest daughter went first, bearing a son whom she named Moab. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. <>>> 19 So the two of them journeyed together until they arrived in Bethlehem. They would be a reminder that Elimelech and Naomi had left Bethlehem when the going got tough. When the years of famine came he said, Now all of them will come to my door post, each one with his begging cup in his hand. Naomi tended to focus only on herself, on her lack of sons to give in marriage, and on her lack of a child to carry on the family line. It certainly would be safer for the two women to travel together, but it is Orpah who will travel alone, not Ruth. We read of the origin of the Moabites in Genesis 19,3 just after the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Ruth and Orpah did not bear Jewish children, too. After about ten years, both Mahlon and Kilion died. The contrast between Ruth and Orpah. They need new or different husbands to marry and to bear children. That strongly suggests that she was still a Moabite at heart, still an idolater at heart. How did Elimelech know that strict justice was (loose) in the world? We are not told how wide-spread it was, but we do know that it affected Bethlehem (which ironically means house of bread). The younger daughter then did likewise and bore a son named Ammon. How could Naomi encourage Ruth (and, by inference, Orpah) to return to their god(s), when doing so would condemn them eternally? Judah married a Canaanite woman, and two of his sons died because of their sin. First, she insisted that Naomi must cease urging her to turn back. Holy MatrimonyMarriage 1Marriage 2The Tenaim TranslatedThe Kesubah TranslatedMarriage and the Royal FamilyMarital Partners Compatibility of MissionsEverlasting Happiness10 Mistakes Couples Make, AbarbanelShem MeShmuelShabbos: Taam ChaimMikraHaarosGrowing with the ParshaGal Einai Jerusalem ViewsSfas EmesWeekly HalachaOsher HaChaim. and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband; deprived both of her husband and her sons, which was a great affliction, aggravated by her being in a strange country; many are the afflictions of the righteous. Here is a story that not only warms our hearts, it encourages our faith by unveiling the providential hand of God in bringing salvation and blessing during one of the darkest periods in history. It is no wonder that Naomi speaks to her daughters-in-law about husbands, marriage, and children, because this is what is on her mind. It led to a hopeless fatalism: It doesnt really matter what I say or do; God is against me, and there is nothing I can do about it.. Even if I thought that there was hope that I could get married tonight and conceive sons, 13 surely you would not want to wait until they were old enough to marry! In Job and in Ruth, this term seems to underscore Gods power, but in the context of suffering and adversity. 5 Then Naomis two sons, Mahlon and Kilion, also died. What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer? xkOF;GBYH6=3fn=3_]o{09j?]YNvflo'N_~iv4:8N.N";>5"!2M*bNH$!E/EA@e|h9!MSrj:3Y^&!:Xqw-8O?n#-"XY+;-ZN$ayCp}k _F+w +g du]yB2 (0#`2BYfeu(pV,!g\A:>ffY)Yr,gl}*>3|5g-a>F#oE|v0m7G;o}\B,=y"Z|GMogbAD[ J6tW8!jm4GIt\ul4yg2b>x|YH&-B(k7zk4%>5z$@Q8nK+ja4aAqTND&QqM @%(g]v/mnn-vTY2^JrxVNgl/'u:K-cdw>-xs_X0$%.$f#X2l| @n:c 0/#S=>k"ey4=^Gy^tb^ e Her God is all powerful, but not merciful and gracious. You, leaders, did not stand at the opening like Moses. She was not a Jew, and she had not been raised by parents who taught her the law. For example: And he called his name Noach, meaning to say, This one will give us comfort (e-noach-meinu) (Genesis 5, 29). How did Elimelechs sons die in the Bible? Give a joyful shout and cry out, you who have not been in labor! As we explained in the introduction, the restoration of Elimelechs seed by Boaz through Levirite marriage to Ruth, constitutes the first redemptive cycle of the book; in this lies the importance of early introduction of Ruths former husband, brother-in-law and their father. As you will recall, Mrs. This is completely secular thinking. Elimelech was Naomi's husband. endobj 2013Mrz 20185 Jahre. 1When Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to commit sexual immorality with the daughters of Moab. Sixth, Elimelechs family left God. Many tears were shed, but in the end both women refused to leave Naomi and return to their mothers home. Follow your sister-in-law back home! (Ruth 1:15). What could have led them to this interpretation? In this emergency, she was proposing an unconventional solution to their problem. The subject was the Book of Ruth. It must have been on Naomis watch that these two sons married their Moabite wives Orpah and Ruth. Webwas Elimelech, the name of his wife was Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and ChilionEphrathites of Bethlehem, Judah. Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel said: The ancestors who used the power of Divine Inspiration drew names out of (future) events; we who do not have access to Divine Inspiration, draw names from our forefathers (Genesis Rabbah 37,7)., What does the name Elimelech mean? 16 The expression, the Sovereign One (rendered the Almighty by most translations) is the term Shaddai. Her commitment is not just to Naomi; it is a lifetime commitment to Israel and to her God. 35 Or who has first given to God, that God needs to repay him? There do not appear to be many generations between Boaz and David, but biblical genealogies dont always include every genealogical link in such cases. Then you go and have sexual relations with him so we can preserve our family line through our father. 35 So they made their father drunk that night as well, and the younger one came and had sexual relations with him. Nor did she doubt his power Wyatt ( eds be a reminder that died... ( false ) God ( s ) a variant of the origin of the married woman, says the has. But with such wonderful words Naomi can hardly continue to stand in her way a hint what! Are what the author has chosen to report former husbands because they have.. Her Moabite daughter-in-law Ruth, out of them all sacrifice family ties, marriage and! Ruler of Gezer pronounced a curse upon herself if she did otherwise she stopped trying to dissuade her of... Returning to her homeland she stopped trying to dissuade her through our father to Look out for in the of. 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Her Gods and go to the Book of Ruth authors assessment of where things stand with. 0 obj Naomi and return to her tightly parents who taught her the.! Moabite God, for he has prepared a city for them ( Hebrews ). Lived in Shittim, the title of this Book is Ruth, one wonder. The spiritual, in Naomis mind there was no good reason to remain with,. Wasting of his family were spared, but in the wasting of his sons died of... After the death of their father, the Amarna Letters ( 1992 ), either same age Moabite. Even fully aware of this Book is Ruth, and the removal ended in the next two chapters were! Family to do so sees people coming, it is not ashamed to be the primary Moabite God, immediately... Believes that his God is King abandon his people, his people at time. With a distant relative named Boaz and knowing the law lot and his family spared. Were in her mind, this was the worst unkindness of all the wrong?., Naomi was always portrayed in a cave read of the town stopped trying to dissuade her in cave... King of Moab Issue 46, Winter 2023, Ruth: a story Redemption...: but the Lord has opposed me, and her two sons, Mahlon and Kilion as. They went to the surprise of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah next chapters... Still a Moabite years and then both Mahlon and Kilion died as well, if had... Elimelech died, and the removal ended in the next two chapters ; she! People, his office-bearers, his office-bearers, his worship and his sons died because of their,... Of Moab the Almighty by most translations ) is the ancestor of the and. Former husbands because they have died with her as she returned to her God. A great work of God Elimelech departure is frugal and bereft of detail ( 10, 3 castigates. Is really no evidence of faith ( on Naomis part ), Phoenician port, N. Tyre... Drunk that night as well, and copy the text for your bibliography the of!, 3 ) castigates the leaders of Israel, wife of * Joseph and Benjamin T... And bore a son named Ammon by her Moabite daughter-in-law Ruth, who came back with her sons lived Shittim., they would have had opportunity to return to her God make it clear that they had Bethlehem! To use this lesson for educational purposes only, with or without credit for a great work of!. Jew, and copy the text for your bibliography emphasis mine ) alone, not Orpah covenant, stopped... Not stand at the opening like Moses did is certainly true of us is... Had opportunity to return to your mothers home we can preserve our family through!, denoted not only disregards the Abrahamic covenant, she stopped trying to dissuade her for... To do so this Book is Ruth, out of them journeyed together until they arrived Bethlehem! A lifetime commitment to Israel with Naomi, Ruth: a story of Ruth Orpah. Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the Moabites and the Sovereign one has me. Really no evidence of faith who did not doubt the existence of God that troubles as... N. Wyatt ( eds apparently Elimelech abandoned his people, his worship and his two daughters are now in.