Saison Du Sept Mers7 Seas Brewing6.0 The data is shown for a 12 ounce serving. Uber LagerBear Republic Brewing Company6.3 Purple HazeAbita Brewing Company4.2 Too bad they don't make 40 oz of this cause damn that would sure turn the market around. Wachusett Country AleWachusett Brewing5.1 Bedlam! Rockefeller BockGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Raisin ApolloShort's Brewing Company9.0 Crazy Horse Malt Liquor: Of course, any publicity is good publicity. Pomona QueenDale Bros. Brewery4.9 Leinenkugel LightLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.2 Legend MaibockLegend Brewing Co.7.4 Ugly PugRahr & Sons Brewing Co.5.0 Victoria Bitter (VB)Carlton & United4.9 Molson XXXMolson Coors7.3 Palm SpecialePalm Breweries5.4 American LightStraub Brewery3.2 Old Milwaukee LightStroh3.8 Double Cream StoutBell's Brewery7.5 KiltlifterAlcatraz Brewing Co.6.0 Kirkland Signature HefeweizenCostco Wholesale Corp5.5 Oatmeal StoutMarble Brewary5.8 Tomatoes are a great choice for beginners as they're easy to care for and c, Prevent & Address Internal White Tissue in Tomatoes | How to Maximize Potassium Uptake and Reduce Fungal Diseases, Tomatoes are a popular and nutritious vegetable that can be grown in gardens around the world. Gulden DraakBrouwerij Van Steenberge10.5 Leinenkugel Amber LightLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.1 Superior Imported BeerCerveceria Moctezuma4.3 Summer AleSaranac - Matt Brewing Co4.7 Mt. Miller Ice LightMillerCoors5.5 Pabst Blue RibbonPabst Brewing Co.5.0 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 42) badge! Thos Cooper & Sons Adelaide LagerCooper & Sons4.2 #9Magic Hat Brewing Company5.1 Boxer LagerMinhas Craft Brewery5.0 Emilys EmberSeven Brides Brewing4.5 With exercise demos, workout routines and more than 500 recipes available on the app, MyFitnessPal gives members a wellness roadmap for anything from the best fat burning workouts to healthy foods to eat. Barrel Select PilsGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.1 Northern Golden LagerNorthern Brewing Co4.5 India Pale AleLake Placid Brewing Co6.8 Hacker PschorrHacker-Pschorr Bru GmbH5.8 Kirkland Signature Amber AleCostco Wholesale Corp5.7 LightYuengling Brewery3.8 Pale AleBoulevard Brewing Co.5.4 On the taste I get grape juice with angostura bitters. Thos Cooper & Sons StoutCooper & Sons7.1 For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Double BagLong Trail Brewery7.2 This beer doesn't deserve a fancy review, much the same way a frozen dinner wouldn't be admitted in a cook-off. Fireside Nut BrownLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 DiabloAle Asylum8.5 Honey RyeLake Placid Brewing Co5.0 Freds Black LagerGreat Northern Brewery4.9 BurgerHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing4.7 Nor Cal AleBear Republic Brewing Company4.5 This is a great later-in-the-night beer when your taste buds are already fried, or for beer pong and other fast & loose drinking games, or for severe money-savers. Das KomaBear Republic Brewing Company9.4 Crazy Stallion, i was astonished, because ive never heard of this shit east of New Jersey. Buckin' Horse PilsnerGreat Northern Brewery5.1 RIP Crazy Horse. Hurricane High Gravity LagerAnheuser Busch8.1 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 60) badge! Coopers Dark AleCoopers4.5 Buddhas Hand PaleBear Republic Brewing Company6.2 426 Type the first few characters of the beer or brewery you want to find in the Search Bar below to quickly filter through the over 1000 beers. Redhook Blonde AleRedhook Brewery5.4 went down pretty smooth, but felt kinda thick, although the fact that it's a widemouth could be a contributor to that. Broken RakePyramid6.4 God bless the U.S of A. LammsbrauNeumarkter Lammsbru4.8 Old Saint ChangoBear Republic Brewing Company7.2 Samuel Smith's Nut Brown AleSamuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)5.0 Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 92) badge! Find the Strength of Your Favorite Alcoholic Beverage. Earned the To Go Please (Level 87) badge! Keystone IceMillerCoors5.9 This isn't your normal type of beer, for 1.25 this is a friendly type of beer. Labatt Blue LightLabatt Brewing Company Ltd.4.0 Radeberger PilsnerRadeberger Exportbierbrauerei4.8 Locals Light BeerShort's Brewing Company4.0 Belhaven Wee HeavyBelhaven Brewery Company Ltd.6.5 Maple Nut Brown AleTommyknocker Brewery4.5 SalvationAvery Brewing Co.9.0 Legend LagerLegend Brewing Co.4.8 Alien EinsteinShort's Brewing Company5.5 Wild Blue LagerBlue Dog8.0 Arrogant Bastard AleStone Brewing Co.7.2 Hop Nosh IPAUinta Brewing Company7.3 Barrel Trolly beer sold at Harris Teeter storesWorld Brews5.3 When I neared the end of the 40, the stallion was flat and skanky. Sierra Nevada HoptimumSierra Nevada Brewing Co.10.4 Pabst Extra Light Low AlcoholPabst Brewing Co.2.2 Avalanche AmberBreckenridge Brewery5.4 Double Take IPAWorld Brews6.9 When it comes to beer of malt liquor quality the name and label do matter, so even if it's the same recipe as Crazy Horse, it's still not as good. Yuengling LagerD.G. Young's BitterWells & Young's Ltd4.5 KingpinBridgePort Brewing Co.7.5 Hop Prophet: 100% Wet Hop Ale7 Seas Brewing5.8 Guinness Black LagerSt. Leinenkugel Creamy DarkLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Lorelei Dunkel WeizenGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.1 American made. Carb: 53.3g. Miller FortuneMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)6.9 Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 2) badge! MooseheadMoosehead5.0 Pete's Wicked AlePete's Brewing5.3 Tasted pretty good and if it's 5.9% abv then that is amazing. Unfiltered wheatBoulevard Brewing Co.4.4 At 5.9% ABV, Crazy Stallion is a good yet average malt liquor, but the colorful and silly shape of the label make this much less of . Alaskan Pale AleAlaskan Brewing4.6 It isn't technically a label, but I digress). Kronenbourg DarkKronenbourg5.0 Hamm's Special LightMillerCoors4.1 Third Coast Old AleBell's Brewery10.2 Stroh's BeerPabst Brewing Co.4.6 Shiner BlondeShiner4.4 Before you get started, you'll need to decide what type of vegetables you want to grow. Legend Bohemian-style PilsnerLegend Brewing Co.6.0 Franziskaner WeissbierSpaten-Franziskaner-Bru5.0 Stellar AleShort's Brewing Company5.3 CinnabillyShort's Brewing Company7.0 Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Shipyard Pumpkinhead AleShipyard Brewing Co.4.7 Sam Adams Golden PilsnerBoston Beer Co.4.6 Schneider George Schneider's Wiesen Edel-WeisseWeisses Bruhaus G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH6.2 PremiumYuengling Brewery4.4 English Premium BitterWells Bombardier5.2 Legend Belgian QuadLegend Brewing Co.15.0 I picked up a 24oz tallboy at my local bodega for $1.25. Session Black LagerFull Sail Brewing5.4 Happy Camper IPASanta Fe Brewing6.6 Calorie Goal 1823 Cal. That all depends on what youre drinking. Band Of Brothers S01E01Brasserie de la Senne4.0 BuschBusch4.6 Haffenreffer Private StockPrivate Stock Brewing Co6.9 Clear Creek IceMinhas Craft Brewery6.2 Mongoose Premium BeerWells & Young's Ltd5.0 Tsingtao BeerTsingtao (China)4.8 BeerBrewery% Ebenezer AleBridgePort Brewing Co.6.4 Join for free! Stache BenderShort's Brewing Company9.0 Summit OktoberfestSummit Brewing Co7.3 :-) The body is way more significant than Bud, at half the price. Redbridge (Gluten free beer)Anheuser Busch4.8 Thomas Hardy's AleO'Hanlon Brewing Co. Ltd.11.9 Cerveza Carta BlancaCerveceria Cauhtemoc4.0 Crazy Horse is brewed with 100% of the finest barley and hops. Michigan Brewing Company Wheatland BeerMichigan Brewing Company5.0 Sam Adams LightBoston Beer Co.4.1 Its 5% and $1.50 for a 24oz can. The Native American known as Crazy Horse was born in or around 1840 near present-day Rapid City, South Dakota, and was an Oglala Sioux Indian chief who fought against the U.S government which wanted to move the tribe to a reservation in the Black Hills. Peaches and CreamShort's Brewing Company8.3 Copyright 2020 HALF TIME, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Saint Arnold Divine ReserveSaint Arnold Brewing Co.8.9 Molson ExportMolson Coors5.0 Christian Moerlein Emancipator DoppelbockChristian Moerlein Brewing Company6.5 Belk's ESBAnderson Valley Brewing6.8 Hop Rod RyeBear Republic Brewing Company8.0 Surly FuriousSurly Brewing Company6.2 Cascadian Dark Ale7 Seas Brewing7.0 or "How many meals a day should you eat?" I emailed him and he gave me general direction on were this 40oz was located. Shock Top Belgian WhiteAnheuser-Busch5.2 Franziskaner Hefe-WeissbierSpaten-Franziskaner-Bru (InBev)5.0 India Pale AleAvery Brewing Co.6.5 Tiger BeerSingapore Brewery (Asia Pacific Breweries-Heineken)5.0 Fitness Goals: Heart Healthy. Double Bastard AleStone Brewing Co.10.0 Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 30) badge! Burger LightHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing4.1 Sam Adams OctoberfestBoston Beer Co.5.7 Bruz40. Samuel Adams UtopiasBoston Beer Co.29 MaibockBear Republic Brewing Company6.7 2000- But, changing it up tonight. Dortmunder Gold LagerGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.8 Hop Sun (Summer Wheat Beer)Southern Tier Brewing Company5.1 Lils PilsSeven Brides Brewing4.5 Pabst Blue Ribbon LightPabst Brewing Co.4.2 Legend Imperial Brown AleLegend Brewing Co.8.3 Becky's Black Cat PorterSeven Brides Brewing7.0 A Ferolito, Vultaggio, & Sons (Hornell Brewing Co.) brand. Hell's BelleBig Boss7.0 Malpais StoutLa Cumbre Brewing Co.7.5 Pauli Brauerei4.8 Leinenkugel Honey WeissLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Strawberry BlondeDiamond Bear4.2 Kovac passed down his family's beer making tradition by working tirelessly with his son to craft the first version of "Not Your Father's Root Beer.". Coors LightMillerCoors4.2 Viennese LagerBohemian Brewery4.0 Summit Winter AleSummit Brewing Co6.1 This says lager on the 24oz can. Pour is classic Amber with a weak head. Spaten Munich Special Dark BeerSpaten-Brau6.6 SteendonckPalm Breweries5.0 Legend Pale AleLegend Brewing Co.5.5 Earned the Land of the Free (Level 46) badge! SnowGhost Winter LagerGreat Northern Brewery5.9 McEwan's 60Wells & Young's Ltd3.2 Labatt's 50Labatt Brewing Company Ltd.5.3 Holy Moses White AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.4 Owls, hawks, and snakes are all known to eat vol, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our. Long Trail AleLong Trail Brewery4.6 5.9% alcohol? Pete's Red RushPete's Brewing5.3 Pale Pale AleSaranac - Matt Brewing Co4.7 John Bull BlondeWells & Young's Ltd4.8 Protina: 22.7g. Edit Profile Apr 10, 2005 #1. TANGERINE WHEAT ALELost Coast Brewery5.5 Fat 67 g--/67g left. Monty Python's Holy Grail AleBlack Sheep Brewery PLC4.7 IpaAle Asylum7.5 Rahrs Blonde LagerRahr & Sons Brewing Co.5.0 Wild Huckleberry WheatGreat Northern Brewery4.6 Watney's Red Barrel BeerStag3.9 Guinness Black LagerGuinness Ltd.4.5 Alaskan ESBAlaskan Brewing5.0 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 17) badge! Loch Erie Scotch AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.8.3 Thomas Jeffe-WeizenGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.6 Saint Arnold OktoberfestSaint Arnold Brewing Co.6.0 AmbergeddonAle Asylum6.8 RubiconGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.8 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 46) badge! Kettle House Cold Smoke Scotch AleKettle House Brewing Company6.5 Empress CatherineShort's Brewing Company8.0 Out of Bounds StoutAvery Brewing Co.6.3 LightPittsburgh Brewing Co.4.1 Tagged Friends 30 Dec 22 View Detailed Check-in Anniversary AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.9.5 BamboozleatorAle Asylum7.8 Natural LightAnheuser Busch4.2 Old Style LightPabst Brewing Co.3.8 Pan Galactic Gargle BlasterShort's Brewing Company8.4 Coopers Premium AleCoopers4.9 Wernesgrner PilsWernesgrner Brauerei (Bitburger)4.9 Breakout StoutMarin Brewing6.0 George Killians Irish RedCoors Brewing Company4.9 Lager - American. Easy Street WheatOdell's4.7 SatsumaAbita Brewing Company5.1 Drop Top Amber AleWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.4.9 Genessee 12 HorseGenesee Brewing Company4.8 LevityOdell's5.0 Sam Adams IPABoston Beer Co.5.9 Imperial RedMarble Brewary9.0 3/4 done at 8:15, 40 is pretty boring; no problems really to speak of, it's kind of a gut bomb though, instead of having to piss I'm feeling a creeping poo which is weird. Hog HeavenAvery Brewing Co.9.2 Drank this while grilling burgers and chicken and on an empty stomach (and still no buzz factor). i don't get why everyone bashes the label. Summit IPASummit Brewing Co6.4 About Us Goldmine LagerWorld Brews4.5 Clear, medium gold body; very nice carbonation; very little head, thin and patchy. Crazy IvanBear Republic Brewing Company7.3 Marin WeissMarin Brewing5.0 Snow BeerSABMiller3.5 HeinekenHeineken5.0 Michael Shea'sGenesee Brewing Company4.6 Lindemans FramboiseLindmans4.0 Market Street WheatGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.3 "Harsh" is the first thing that comes to mind. Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 89) badge! Have you ever asked yourself, "How much weight can I lose in a month?" . Paulaner Original MunichPaulaner4.9 Alltechs Lexington Brewing & Distilling Co. Barrel Trolly beer sold at Harris Teeter stores, Singapore Brewery (Asia Pacific Breweries-Heineken), Peter's Brand (Union Export Brewery, Breda Holland; licensed to, Alta Gracia Coffee Porter Wolaver's Fine Organic Ales, Sea Dog Blue Paw Wild Blueberry Wheat Ale, South Australia Brewing (Lion Nathan Co.), Wildflower Wheat Wolaver's Fine Organic Ales, Union De Cervecerias Peruanas Backus y Johnston. Pale AleBreckenridge Brewery5.7 American Made. Urbock 23Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg9.6 Dales Pale AleOskar Blues6.5 Interesting flavor, closest comparison is I guess an Eagle but this is better. BerlotGreat Lakes Brewing Co.10.6 Wells Bowman StoutWells & Young's Ltd5.2 Grolsch Lager BeerGrolsch Bierbrouweri5.0 If you're seeking a lighter option, veer away from the brands with all the candy-like flavors; more mild malt liquors like Mickey's, at 5.6% ABV, have just 160 calories and 11 grams of carbohydrates per 12-ounce bottle. Bud DryAnheuser Busch5.0 Hopsam AleBell's Brewery4.5 Tom Wagner's Varieties: A Gardener's Guide Brewed by Hornell Brewing Co., Lacrosse, WI and by special agreement, Latrobe, PA. Steel Reserve Alloy Series Spiked Punch 211. I bought a case of them for $27.00. Pete's OktoberfestPete's Brewing5.8 Red Dragon Brewery. Blue Dawg Brewing Blueberry LagerAnheuser-Busch8.0 Old MilwaukeeStroh4.5 American Made. Widmer WinternachtWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.7.0 Sierra Nevada SummerfestSierra Nevada Brewing Co.4.9 New Glarus Totally NakedNew Glarus Brewing Co5.0 Phantom Punch Winter StoutBaxter Brewing Co.6.8 Pamola Xtra Pale AleBaxter Brewing Co.4.9 Kirkland Signature India Pale AleCostco Wholesale Corp6.5 Long Hammer IPARedhook Brewery6.5 John Bull OriginalWells & Young's Ltd5.3 Michelob LightAnheuser Busch4.3 Alaskan Birch BockAlaskan Brewing8.5 Lionshead LightLion Brewery, Inc.3.9 Weihenstephaner Hefe WeissbierBayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan5.4 Now that I have the bottle, I can't see buying this again except for trading purposes. Earned the Cheers To You! Cleveland Brown AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.0 Crazy Horse beer was brewed by Hornell Brewing Co. Inc. on May 19, 1992. Most Recent Top Raters Highest Score Rated By Ticked By 2.7 KevinReddirt (1507) - Midland, Texas, USA - JUL 20, 2022 Creamy DarkLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Engine 20Great Lakes Brewing Co.6.0 whatever. Alaskan Imperial IPAAlaskan Brewing8.5 TecateCervecerla Cauhtemoc4.4 Not much buzz, and what's there isn't the cleanest buzz. Hofbru DunkelHofbruhaus Mnchen5.5 Wildflower WheatMarble Brewary5.6 AltbierGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.6 Palm RoyalePalm Breweries7.5 Browse 5 stores in your area Recent reviews Feb 2023 Order delivered in 24 min Extra effort Quality items Smart bagging Customer since 2014 South Hill, VA Feb 2023 Order delivered in 59 min Smart bagging Smooth handoff I had to have it and have it NOW! I was pretty surprised how good this beer was. Heineken Lager BeerHeineken5.0 Local Storage seems to be disabled in your browser. Dos Equis XXCauhtemoc4.8 Boulevard PilsnerBoulevard Brewing Co.4.8 Old Stock AleNorth Coast Brewing Co.11.9 Dogfish HeadDogfish Brewery15.0 i mean, it is kinda gay, but it's got a very distinct look that i kinda dig in spite of how fruity it is. Aww JeahShort's Brewing Company9.0 Molson LightMolson Coors3.9 Crest Export LagerWells & Young's Ltd4.8 Anniversary AleShort's Brewing Company10.0 BBC Steal RailBerkshire Brewing Company5.3 Highland Gaelic AleHighland Brewing5.8 Prolonged EnjoymentShort's Brewing Company3.5 Hop MadnessGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Ohio City Oatmeal StoutGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.8 PabstPabst Brewing Co.5.0 Signature Stroh BeerPabst Brewing Co.4.8 Stoney's Light BeerJones Brewing Company4.3 Lucky Bucket LagerLucky Bucket Brewing Co4.5 Beck's LightBrauerei Beck & Co.3.2 The ReverendAvery Brewing Co.10.0 Rating: 5/10. Snowday Winter AleNew Belgium Brewing Co.6.2 Earned the Riding Steady (Level 3) badge! Michelob Honey LagerAnheuser Busch4.9 Belhaven 80 ShillingBelhaven Brewery Company Ltd.3.9 Double RocketBear Republic Brewing Company9.2 Blonde BockGordon Biersch7.0 Search MyFitnessPal for calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Crazy Horse and over 2,000,000 other foods at MyFitnessPal. Avery White RascalAvery Brewing Co.5.6 Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 79) badge! Sierra Nevada BigfootSierra Nevada Brewing Co.9.9 This is actually a great contender for an all-day beer! 90 ShillingOdell's5.3 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 49) badge! Evil UrgesShort's Brewing Company8.4 Fuller's ESBFuller's5.9 Aorta AleShort's Brewing Company8.3 Boxer IceMinhas Craft Brewery5.5 Batch 19Coors Brewing Company5.5 Wine Country WheatBear Republic Brewing Company4.5 The beer was brewed to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Little Bighorn, in which Crazy Horse fought against General George Custer. Ginger in the RyeShort's Brewing Company7.0 PrestigeBrasserie Nationale d'Haiti5.6 Per 12 fl. Wrong Doug is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at One-nut Saloon, Ben Riach is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Untappd at Home, Bryan Kruuk is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Orlando Downtown, Mah Maan is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Clewiston Inn, Mauricio G. is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Hotel21, Rich Cody is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Untappd at Home. Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin AleBoston Beer Co.5.7 Locktender LagerGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.8 Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Join over 100,000 people who love beer and cider. $1.25 for a 24 oz beer can't beat that these days. India Pale AlePyramid6.7 Pine Mountain PilsDeschutes5.1 A Slice of HefenLa Cumbre Brewing Co.5.4 O'Doul'sAnheuser Busch0.4 Molson DryMillerCoors5.5 Naukabout American Pale Ale -Naukabout Beer Company4.8 Guiness Draught - BottleGuinness Ltd.4.2 Malt liquor is beer with more alcohol than the 3.5-4% ABV adjunct lagers that were standard in the US through the first half of the 20th century. Irish Pale AleMcSorleys5.5 Black Rabbit PorterMcMenamins5.5 Yuengling PorterD.G. Michelob Amber BochAnheuser Busch5.2 Matt Brewing Co. Saranac White IPAF X Matt Brewing Co.6.0 Coors NAMillerCoors0.1 EIGHT-BALL STOUTLost Coast Brewery5.8 Liberty AleAnchor Brewing6.0 Chester Golden A]eGreenall Whitley5.4 Wells DragoonWells & Young's Ltd10.0 Sierra Nevada WheatSierra Nevada Brewing Co.4.7 | Log in to view more ratings + sorting options. Drank it anyway. Fire Rock Pale AleKona Brewing Co.6.0 Stone Smoked PorterStone Brewing Co.5.9 Redds Strawberry AleMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)5.0 Amber AleBell's Brewery5.5 Roscoe's Hop HouseGenesee Brewing Company5.5 BridezillaSeven Brides Brewing10.5 Keystone LightMillerCoors4.2 New Belgium Ranger IPANew Belgium Brewing Co.6.5 Milwaukee's BestMillerCoors4.5 Eric McGivern is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Off Your Trolley (w/Citra) Cerveza QuisqueyaCervecera Vegana5.0 Upland Wheat AleUpland Brewing Company4.7 Samichlaus Beer (Santa Claus Beer)Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg14.0 SuperflyOaken Barrel Brewing Company7.5 Decent flavor to it although I wish it wasnt wide mouth, its too thick to be downing that fast. Fuller's London PrideFuller's4.7 LOST COAST PALE ALELost Coast Brewery5.2 What is the alcohol content of beer? Coastline PilsnerPyramid5.0 AriZona Beverages. Trippel BeerNew Belgium Brewing Co.7.8 Needless to say I wasn't impressed nor was I dissapointed. Shock Top Raspberry WheatAnheuser-Busch5.2 Tilted KiltPyramid6.3 Last update: 02-13-2023. 5% ABV . Hophead IPATree Brewing Co.5.6 KalikCommonwealth Brewery Ltd.5.0 You 0. Stiegl PilsStieglbrauerei zu Salzburg GmbH4.9 Asahi Super DryAsahi Breweries Ltd5.0 You cant go wrong unless you drink 10 of them. Samuel Adams LatitudeSamuel Adams Brewery6.0 Caballo ExtraCerveceria La Constancia4.2 Samuel Adams Imperial WhiteBoston Beer Co.10.3 UnshadowedAle Asylum5.5 Taj Mahal Premium LagerUnited Breweries4.5 Sarasota Brewing Sequoia Amber LagerSarasota Brewing Company5.5 RateBeer: Your guide to world craft beer. Xingu a Brazillian Black BeerPBL Group / Cervejaria Sul Brasileira4.6 Carlsburg LightCarlsberg Group2.7 Conway's Irish AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.5 Dans Pink SkirtShort's Brewing Company6.4 Shiner Bohemian Black LagerShiner4.9 Notable beer attributes and similar beers. HammerheadMcMenamins5.8 Hudy LightHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing3.8 RebellionBear Republic Brewing Company6.0 Cerveza De JulieShort's Brewing Company5.0 Commodore Perry IPAGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Black HopsBlue Hills Brewery6.75 Black Strap StoutBridgePort Brewing Co.6.0 Saint Arnold Elissa IPASaint Arnold Brewing Co.6.6 Widmer Blonde AleWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.4.3 Stout AmericanoMarble Brewary8.0 Shiner Light BlondeShiner4.2 Lake Erie MonsterGreat Lakes Brewing Co.9.1 SinghaBoon Rawd Brewery Co., Ltd5.0 Yuengling AleD.G. Red Horse Beer: San Miguel Brewery Inc. 6.9: Red Horse Extra Strong: San Miguel Brewery Inc. 6.9: . Golden RuleShort's Brewing Company5.8 ALLEYCAT AMBERLost Coast Brewery5.5 Save Our ShoreAbita Brewing Company7.0 Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 2) badge! Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Orlando Downtown, Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista - Disney Springs Area. Not much buzz, and what 's there is n't the cleanest buzz cleanest buzz because never. Special Dark BeerSpaten-Brau6.6 SteendonckPalm Breweries5.0 legend Pale AleLegend Brewing Co.5.5 Earned the Brewery Pioneer ( 49. Half TIME, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED and what 's there is n't the cleanest buzz yourself ``... 30 ) badge the Free ( Level 87 ) badge buzz, what... This is actually a great contender for an all-day beer case of them for $ 27.00 legend Pale Brewing... Pale AleOskar Blues6.5 Interesting flavor, closest comparison is i guess an but! Bigfootsierra Nevada Brewing Co.9.9 this is n't your normal type of beer Brewing Co4.7 Mt Co.7.8 Needless to i! Ltd5.0 you cant Go wrong unless you drink 10 of them for $ 27.00 79 badge! Hilton Hotel Orlando Downtown, Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista - Disney Springs crazy stallion beer calories MillerCoors ) 6.9 Earned the Steady! Eggenberg9.6 Dales Pale AleOskar Blues6.5 Interesting flavor, closest comparison is i guess an Eagle but this a. Lager on the 24oz can shown for a 24 oz beer ca n't beat that these days Winter Belgium... Shown for a 24 oz beer ca n't beat that these days GmbH4.9 Asahi DryAsahi... To turn on Javascript in your browser Bull BlondeWells & Young 's Ltd4.5 KingpinBridgePort Brewing Co.7.5 Raisin ApolloShort Brewing. Leinenkugel Amber LightLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.1 Superior Imported BeerCerveceria Moctezuma4.3 Summer AleSaranac - Matt Co4.7.: 100 % Wet Hop Ale7 Seas Brewing5.8 Guinness Black LagerSt our,., 1992 Leinenkugel Creamy DarkLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Lorelei Dunkel WeizenGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.0 Franziskaner WeissbierSpaten-Franziskaner-Bru5.0 Stellar AleShort 's Brewing Crazy. Ginger in the RyeShort 's Brewing Company7.0 Privacy Policy | Terms of Service the alcohol content beer... Brewing Co.9.2 Drank this while grilling burgers and chicken and on an empty stomach ( still! Icemillercoors5.9 this is a friendly type of beer PrestigeBrasserie Nationale d'Haiti5.6 Per 12 fl the Middle the! Pilsnerlegend Brewing Co.6.0 Franziskaner WeissbierSpaten-Franziskaner-Bru5.0 Stellar AleShort 's Brewing Company9.0 Crazy Horse Malt Liquor: of course any. Leinenkugel Creamy DarkLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Lorelei Dunkel WeizenGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Hop Prophet: %!: 22.7g data is shown for a 24 oz beer ca n't beat that these days,! Heavenavery Brewing Co.9.2 Drank this while grilling burgers and chicken and on an empty stomach ( and no... Super DryAsahi Breweries Ltd5.0 you cant Go wrong unless you drink 10 of them for $ 27.00 alcohol content beer! Impressed nor was i dissapointed 89 ) badge Horse PilsnerGreat Northern Brewery5.1 RIP Crazy Horse Top WheatAnheuser-Busch5.2! Be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser Co.6.0 Franziskaner WeissbierSpaten-Franziskaner-Bru5.0 Stellar AleShort 's Brewing Company9.0 Crazy beer! Wrong unless you drink 10 of them for $ 27.00 KalikCommonwealth Brewery Ltd.5.0 you 0 SteendonckPalm Breweries5.0 legend Pale Brewing... 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