I say this, because some try to claim it was God giving man a spirit. 8 years of Archaeology Odyssey online, exploring the ancient roots of the Western world in a scholarly and entertaining way, The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Neither does it provide any other information about her. Don Stewart explainsthe commandment against [incest] strengthened the structure of the family unit. One way to understand what he means is to examine what happens to victims and witnesses of incest. James McCain, 30; Bridget McCain, 26 . God formed woman from the rib of man so that a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). Geb and Nut in the Hebrew pantheon are Adam and Eve who begot four twin sons, two males Abel and Cain, and two females. First of all, you have to know that the old Testament is the story of the Jews and not Gentiles. Rabbi Isaac said: In respect to the soul (neshamah) that He provides, for [the wicked man] goes and clings to the power of the beasts. WITHOUT ANY SUPPORTING EVIDENCE HWATSOEVER, YET DEBUNKS ANYONE WHO BELIEVES THE SPARCE EVIDENCE AVAILABLE. Problem solved. The preadamic rulership over the earth isnt agriculture like in Gen. 2:15 On the NEXT day G-d created Eth HA Adam who was THE Man/Adam from which the line of Christ comes. This is strictly the history of the Jew. 54 Adam and Eve were the beginning of the Jewish people only. P. S. As for the death of Cain, The Book of Jubilees, chapter 4, verses 29-31 tells us of Adams and Cains death, And at the close of the nineteenth jubilee, in the seventh week in the sixth year [930 A.M.] thereof, Adam died, and all his sons buried him in the land of his creation, and he was the first to be buried in the earth. This is the same for each individual in the genealogy. The Talmud has no exegetical authority as well. Greek scientists like Aristotle gave us the wrong motions. We, the Mormons have known this since the.restoration over 180 years ago. Except for dear Noah and family. Weight. The Books of Adam & Eve,(VITA ADAE ET EVAE) From The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, R.H. Charles Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913 says: that Seth had 30 brothers & 30 sisters alive, at the burial of Adam (6)And the angels Michael and Uriel buried Adam and Abel in the parts of Paradise, before the eyes of Seth and his mother (7) [and no one else], and Michael and Uriel said: Just as ye have seen, in like manner, bury your dead. xlix (1) Six days after, Adam died; and Eve perceived that she would die, (so) she assembled all her sons (2) and daughters, Seth with thirty brothers and thirty sisters, and Eve said to all, Hear me, my children, and I will tell you what the archangel Michael said to us when I and your father transgressed the command of God (3) On account of your transgression, Our Lord will bring upon your race the anger of his judgement, first by water, the second time by fire; by these two, will the Lord judge the whole human race.xlix (1) Six days after, Adam died; and Eve perceived that she would die, (so) she assembled all her sons (2) and daughters, Seth with thirty brothers and thirty sisters, and Eve said to all, Hear me, my children, and I will tell you what the archangel Michael said to us when I and your father transgressed the command of God (3) On account of your transgression, Our Lord will bring upon your race the anger of his judgement, first by water, the second time by fire; by these two, will the Lord judge the whole human race. All written by man. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a worker of the ground. In this early state of marriage, as indicated above, the female bride was not born from her mothers womb but, rather, was formed at some providential time from the side of her husband. Yes, I have read the book about Adam and Eve having five children where Cain and Abel each had a twin sister and then Seth was born later without a twin. In that the failure of the son of God, Adam, all fell, through Jesus, the unfallen son of God we are redeemed. Cain then dwelt in the land of Nod ( . 2, attempts to streamline this reservoir that combines philosophy with scripture. So the wives of Cain, Henoch, Noah etc. There are about 13 generations missing between Obed and Jesse, even though Obed begat Jesse. The character of Tubal-Cain, the movie's lead villain, is almost entirely invented. To know the meaning of the mark indicates someone familiar with Cain and what God had done for him. 4. 2. In the beginning, however, there would not be the usual genetic defects arising from intermarriage because Adam and Eve were created perfect with a perfect gene pool, Slicksaid. Did you read the quotes from Jesus (God in the flesh)? Jewish sources are not the Word of God. When we do this, we find four names from Cain to Mehujael (meaning smitten by God) and four names from Seth to Mahalalel (meaning praise of God). Many ancient cultures have had conceptions of a flat Earth, including Greece until the classical period, the Bronze Age and Iron Age civilizations of the Near East until the Hellenistic period, India until the Gupta period (early centuries AD) and China until the 17th century. Adam and Eve lived 900 years and only had three children, your a fool if you believe that. According to this reasoning, Cain would have married his sisterone of Abels twin sisters no less, according to the Genesis Rabbah. came from beyond Eden. However, I agree that Genesis tells the story of Hebrew history rather than of all humans. It doesnt matter if its been a few thousand years if we all came from the same dna there will be no alteration no matter how long the time period, you know hence why people can trace their family lineages using dna. Duh! Where did she come from? What is being asked in, Who did Cain marry? Should we make an issue of this or not? You have drunk deeply of the Kool-aid laced with literalism, and unfortunately reason cannot penetrate your cult-colored worldview. According to Genesis 5:3-5 Adam fathered sons and daughters before he died at age 930 years. Four highly acclaimed books, published in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution: Aspects of Monotheism, Feminist Approaches to the Bible, The Rise of Ancient Israel and The Search for Jesus. According to Isaiah Tishby in his Wisdom of the Zohar, the nephesh is attached to the body, preserving it and satisfying its needs. After the world was formed, God finished His work of creation by raising one man from the dust and one woman from the mans ribs. Yeeeaaaahhhh. Thats why God have regulate this actions when he redeemed man. But geneticists, by tracing the DNA patterns found in people throughout the world, have now identified lineages . Cain sisters appear AFTER Set, Cain couldnt have married one of them, that would be an anachronism. If the Bible is not meant to be taken literally then I assume you also dont believe in a literal God Not sure why you bother becoming a Pastor if you start of with not believing the foundation of the Bible. Therefore the earth, like other heavenly bodies, is suspended in space as if hanging on nothing. http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/prehistoric/chauvet-cave-paintings.htm, Flute 40,000 And 30,000 Yrs @ dean, Jesus notabene never had insisted or confirmed, that Adam and Eve were the first two humans. Without birth control there could have been hundreds of people alive when Abel was murdered. http://m.wol.jw.org/es/wol/dsync/r4/lp-s/r1/lp-e/1101989257#h=0-1&selpar=0. mmmh thats interesting.never thought closely the story of Cain.thanks for revelation. If Adam was made originally with everything then must have a curved body similar to that of a woman. If so, its remarkably near to A section. It isnt the point who tought a flat earth. Why does BAR continually post heretical articles? We do not return to the womb. Greetings Ken. Who were the other people that could kill Cain? To love one another is to fulfill all of the commandments. Nevertheless, her identity is still worth investigating. February 13 2015 Genesis 4:1-2 describes the birth of the two saying (KJV): "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. After they disobeyed God he told eve you shall have great pain giving birth this tells me she had given birth before without the curse of pain since they lived so much longer I believe they married each other in some way, Its easy Cain married one of his sisters, just because they are not mentioned in the Bible doesnt mean they dont exist. I agree with Lee, Read Answers in Genesis, book 1 and 2, facinating truly Bible based teaching!! The appellative Form is also used for the other creatures and plants, without any creationist ever demanded only two individuals at the beginning of each kind. It was also typically held in the aboriginal cultures of the Americas, and a flat Earth domed by the firmament in the shape of an inverted bowl is common in pre-scientific societies. If God wanted us to know. 26 Let Us make mankind in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let THEM rule. the rh factor stuff definitely proves there is an outsider element to the human gene pool. The Bible doesnt say how God made the sea creatures. One of the importance task assigned to Adam was to get rid of this dangerous species. He bit on the life-saving plants, he sipped from the life-saving water Like a lone wild ass of Sakkan he darted over the mountains .Like a large powerful donkey he raced; a slim donkey, eager to run, he bounded along. This recalls Ishmael as being a wild donkey of a man (Genesis 16:12), and when his mother Hagar left Ishmael under one of the shrubs (Genesis 21:15), this calls to mind the fact that the word for shrub, (siyach, Genesis 2:5), is related to meditation, as in May my meditation (siyach) be pleasing to Him (Psalm 104:33,34). So Adam must have given birth to so many children and had many other grandchildren before Cain even got married. Who was the twin sister of Cain? That doesnt make much sense because male DNA is a mutation of female DNA. Where do you find a Lake in the text? And for the point about incest being ok back than, yes it might have been but the whole pure blood negating any genetic defects associated with incest, doesnt add up. I dont believe that anywhere in any scripture is Adam and eve referred to as husband and wife. Some of the people making comments are pissed off at the author and even this web site because they hate a different perspective. we are say elot of things but never knew the right truth. The book of Genesis mentions three of Adam and Eve's children: Cain, Abel and Seth. Cain hadnt had any sisters at the time of his marriage. 5 http://www.pnas.org/content/112/39/12075.full, Domestic Dogs 33,000 and 36,000 Yrs. As the curse God placed upon creation started to operate only after they sinned, their descendants would not have had many mistakes in their genes. the reason Cain and Abel are written in there is because of the sin Cain committed, before the event of Cain killing his brother Abel, no man had ever taken a life. Aclima Aclima (also Kalmana, Lusia, Cainan, or Luluwa) according to some religious traditions was the oldest daughter of Adam and Eve, the twin sister of . Your claim that the history of Adam, Cain, and etc are replicated throughout the world is nothing more than complete BS. It is Genesis creation and accompanying myths, written in the 6th century BCE, that were inspired by earlier similar creation myths, for example, the Sumerian creation and flood myths. who he eventually married and Abel was part of a set of triplets Do not be controlled by words that confine your mind. God had to destroy them all!! The same verb in Gen. 2.7 is also used in Jer. We have no way of knowing the number of years had passed when they were removed from the Garden. When her days to give birth were completed, behold, there were twins in her womb. 4. Take the KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, and LAWS of the Old Testament, and run them through the love of Jesus and the cross. Hello i want to know what language used by adam and eve? Yes, Cain and Abel did have sisters. The Bible is clear there is but one, the human race. shed my blessing on them ere I die. While Gen. 1:26/27-31 encounters from the origin and reproduction of the entire human race during the sixth day in its two sexes (hebr. Cain took awan with him when he got cast out. Read the teachings of Jesus in how they relate to fulfill the prophecies, make a new covenant (law) and ask did Jesus die for this to change? OT law was eye for an eye, God smite my enemies, crucify the thief! These are interesting theories to text. It is obvious that there were other children. So, domestication is right there, in Genesis one, with the first man (Adam). Adam, by Allah's direction, ordered Cain to marry Abel's twin sister, and that Abel should marry Cain's, for it being the common opinion that marriages ought not to take place with those very near akin, such as their own sisters, it seemed reasonable to supose that . Cain marrying a sister or cousin would have been recorded. Likewise, human population numbers increased, leaving behind more evidence. Looking at the examples of Cain and Abel, and also Jacob and Esau, does this mean that there are children who are cursed even before theyre born? Chapter 4: 1 And in the third week in the second jubilee she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth she gave birth to her daughter Awan. Notice he was OK with that until Eve came along and in Genesis 3:12 Adam blamed God for giving him the woman.now, I wonder where have I heard that before!!!!!!! No, Cain was Adam's oldest son and Abel's brother (Genesis And he was fifteen years old. God isnt a jew, Adam wasnt a jew, Noah wasnt a jew, No one goes to the Father except through Me! They were created for a totally different purpose. Lilith, However, my grandparents, from well respected English families, were married in 1917 in England and they were first cousins. Adamah is the ground with the fitting consistency to Farm. The Bible then goes on to tell us about their offspring and the famous murder of Abel. Has anyone considered that the Story, a source of Legend saying that the land between Lake. Vote Up Cain married her sister .Also the place called Nod was named after Cain lived there. They do not come up and inundate the land; neither do they fly off into space. So in other words, you dont know. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/01/150120-gobekli-tepe-oldest-monument-turkey-archaeology/, Agriculture 23,000 Yrs. Anyway its much more complicated than this, but these are the basics as to what my studies have found, while studying under the influence of the Holy Spirit. What matters is Love. I hope some people history werent written in the Bible and Cain havent married to his sister. The fact that there are similar (not exactly the same) stories/versions of Mans origins around the world among primitive tribes today and before Christian missionaries arrived to teach them the Jewish one, shows that man had one origin. Cain was cast out and he went into the land of nod and there he took a wife I mean that is so clear in its meaning and inference most people can get it. Adam and his offspring was a new creation. The Bible is constantly changed and reworded and updated one word at a time so that its not obviously noticeable. However, no one else was around at this time. The answer is however very simple. Genesis 1 mentions the emergence of the mammals on the 6th day following the demise of the dinosaurs (who are none other than the dragons of the 5th day mentioned in Genesis 1:21). 2. Not according to the law in Eden, but according the law God made for the heavens. Watch youtube.com/theoldpath or go to http://www.esorianoblogspot.com. It centers on the Land of Eden. Written text was like gold. So it couldnt harm the rest of the World (population). http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0022821 Eve later returns to Adam after she realizes that Cain killed Abel and Adam comforts her and later they give birth to Seth. a flood of tears over his face, and gathered together his children and his 23 And Lamech said to his wives, "Adah and Zillah, listen to my voice. How can a story teach faith if it did not actually happen? Whether sexual sin is involved or not, creating a strong and safe family unit becomes much harder in the wake of incest. . After her husband's death in 1981, Mrs. McCain and her identical twin sister, Rowena, took long driving trips through Europe, the Middle East and Asia. By modern legal definition, Cain would have had to commit incest with one of his sisters in order to create offspring because he had no other choice. The Samarians told this story well before, along with the flood story and many others. Evolution has not presented anything which cannot be explained by old-earth creation. Kabil and Habil Palestine Kabil and Habil, or Cain and Abel, with their two sisters, were the first children born to Adam and Eve. This tells that the brothers were not living together with their parents n likewise other siblings. 4:1-2). Today the city is called Warka. The only alternative to Cain marrying one of his sisters would be if he married a niece: there was plenty of time for one to mature. In the Islamic tradition that comes from prophets sons , Shia , there is another view regarding Canes wife . And she again bare his brother Abel. And in Genesis 5:3, we read, And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image: and called his name Seth.. When one looks at Genesis 5:4,5 points out that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters, and Adam lived for 930 years. We find genealogies where father and son are literal father and son. X Again, Genesis 5:1-3 shows us that Adam of Genesis two is the male of Genesis one. I would follow the Biblical account , that would make the most sense. As currency for exchange in this transaction, could the girls have questioned their value, their identity, and the unity between husband and wife which sex was intended to foster? the Bible doesnt give us the information of it because its God minded not to reveal the secret. Every dictionary can be Testament to it. There is no contradiction. Maybe. If you look up Gen 4 youll see that Cain, as some of you have found out, after Abels death feared that other men would kill him. 1. Thats right, so forget about all the creationistic crap about kosher genes and sibling incest and make friends with unholy preadamites, coadamites and wicked evolution (Gen. 2:4)! At that time in human history when humans still had outstanding physical health and vitality, as indicated by the length of their lives, the likelihood of passing on defects as a result of marrying a close relative was not great. And dont forget all those ghosts,and other scary creatures.Depending on where and when you lived things can be very different .Humans have been commiting mass murder of those who have different beliefs and are still murdering to this day.Tens of Millions of people have been murdered in the name of Christainity based on the hate they learned from clergy. We see Cain leaving to go to Nod (Genesis 4:16) and knowing his wife (Genesis 4:17). Look at how long everyone lived. The church did not change the orbit of the solar system, science did. The preadamites were transient hunters-gatherers. Cain married his own (younger) sister! In the earliest part of the Zohar, humans have an animal soul (nephesh) whose desires are the source of sin, and and intellectual soul (neshamah) that functions to serve as a stimulus to religious activity. Because these stories were the stories of old women (1Tim 4:7) and had no place being taught in the first century congregation. The identity of Cain's wife is one of those persistent questions that . Why Did Pharaoh Tell Joseph to Enjoy the 'Fat of the Land'? I hate it when people try and think they know better than the Bible. The en- prefix in En-och tells us he was a king in that city as that prefix means king. in both Akkadian and Sumerian. Afterall, Cain went to hell and appeared within the body of Anneliese Michel. Zakar & neqebah are generic terms. When Cain hears of his punishment, after the murder of Abel, he protests the severity, because God has moved him from the adama and anybody meeting him in the aretz will kill him (4:14). Therefore, Cain had no problem in finding a wife among the daughters of the aretz. Consequently, although this is not stated, the only logical conclusion is that Cain married his sister and they had children together. its a little tricks on that. In Genesis 1:26 we have man without the article which virtually everyone agrees, here, refers to mankind/humanity. Besides, that verse ends with and all return to the dust. We dont return to the womb. Gen 2:20 No suitable helper was found The genealogies in Genesis 4 and 5 were set in opposition to each other in fulfilment of Genesis 3:15 (godly and ungodly seeds). He said that Genesis 5:4 referred to Seths daughters. Thus what say you now? Likewise, there are no time indicators in Genesis 4, but you can compare the names and characteristics from each genealogy. Revelation 22:20 Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly. Report, February 13 2015 If every account were to be written, the Bible could be so big the world couldnt contain it. that intercourse between such close relatives was specifically forbidden.Leviticus 18:9, 17, 24. There was no suffering. Cain is worried about someone finding and killing him, so God gives him a protective mark. 'Fat of the Jews and not Gentiles, come quickly other siblings people history werent written the. An outsider element to the law God made the sea creatures man without the article virtually... Scripture is Adam and Eve when they were first cousins but never knew the right truth Anneliese Michel examine... With everything then must have given birth to so many children and had place! Over 180 years ago us that Adam and Eve are about 13 generations missing between Obed and Jesse, though... 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